壽屋 2022年7月發售: 模型 1:1 Megami DEVICE Series Chaos & Pretty 愛麗絲 7,600Yen

Chaos & Pretty ALICE

“Megami Device” is a plastic model kit series combining Bishoujo-style beauties and heavy-duty weapons and armor.

The latest character to join the series, ALICE, is a new addition to the Chaos & Pretty line from the world of fairy tales!

This model uses the Chaos & Pretty Witch as its base, while also including several completely new parts to create an entirely unique character.

By changing out the parts, the model can be displayed as “Alice” or “Wild Mode,” each with completely different silhouettes.

Like the other models in the Megami Device series, this character consists of a main “machinika” body designed by Masaki Apsy along with a huge array of interchangeable parts to outfit her as you like! The “machinika” body also allows you to create more dynamic and beautiful poses with this model.

The concept for this model was proposed by model magazine writer Fuzzy, and the character art was created by Nagi Ryo, who has designed all of the characters in the Chaos & Pretty line.

The detailed eye prints were designed by beloved Megami Device dealer, Amaai.

Model Specifications:
・Along with the new eye prints, the hair parts have also been redesigned, creating a completely new and updated Chaos & Pretty model.
・By docking Alice and her rabbit mech “Chronoleps,” the model can be transformed into “Wild Mode.” The included weapons and armor are also perfect for creating original customizations.
・The model comes with three pre-painted face parts.
・The parts can be configured to display the model in full armor for “Armed Mode,” or without her armor for “Unarmed Mode.”
・The “machinika” body base boasts an impressive range of flexibility, allowing it to be displayed in a variety of natural poses.
・The kit includes a variety of weapons and joint parts, allowing you to recreate different combat scenes.
・Using the 3mm connection points on each part and the compatibility of the head, this model can be customized with existing M.S.G, Frame Arms, Frame Arms Girl, Hexa Gear, and Sousai Shojo Teien series products.
・The kit includes decals for the eyes and other markings.

Chaos & Pretty アリス

作品 メガミデバイス
シリーズ キャラクタープラモデル
発売月 2022年05月
税込価格 8,360円
税抜価格 7,600円
スケール 1/1
製品サイズ 全高:約150mm
製品仕様 プラモデル
パーツ数 201~400
素材 PS・PE・ABS・PVC(非フタル酸)・POM
原型製作 浅井真紀、緋路、福元徳宝、辛嶋俊一、たすく、田村充伸、鳥山とりを

M.S.Gを纏ったChaos & Prettyは童話の世界から“アリス”となって登場!


メガミデバイスは可動美少女素体にウェポンやアーマーを装着して楽しむ組み立て式プラモデルシリーズです。 ミキシングコンセプト提案を模型誌ライターのファジー氏が行い、Chaos & Prettyシリーズに引き続き凪良氏がトータルデザインにまとめました。 浅井真紀氏設計による“マシニーカ”を採用しダイナミックで美しいポージングが可能です。 メガミデバイスディーラーでお馴染み雨間氏により繊細なアイプリントが実現しました。

・髪の毛パーツは全て新規造形パーツで構成、新設定されたアイプリントと併せて新しいChaos & Prettyが誕生しました。
・“アリス”とウサギ型メカ“クロノレプス”をドッキングさせて “ワイルドモード”に変化させることができます。また拡張性の高いパーツを利用してオリジナルカスタムもお楽しみいただけます。



© KOTOBUKIYA ©Masaki Apsy ©Toriwo Toriyama